from @Jeddychan in Logseq’s discord #.v-border-children

from @Bad3r in Logseq’s discord #.v-border-children

Logseq queries

from @Avijeet in Logseq’s discord #.v-border-children

  • Hi, I have compiled a list of advanced queries and references from this channel, which I was able to execute for my database (still need to add those from the last few weeks). Thought it might be useful to those looking for advanced queries examples. Link to the original discord message and dates are also included for context 🙂.

  • [[Logseq/Advanced_queries_Examples]]

from @cldwalker in Logseq’s discord #.v-border-children

Get all block’s uuid

{:title "tmp"
 :view (fn [result] (for [r result] [:pre (pr-str r)]))
 :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
       [?b :block/uuid _]]}
 :view (fn [result] (for [r result] [:pre (pr-str r)]))

Example correction 6. All pages have a "programming" tag in Advanced Queries

{:title "All pages have a *programming* tag"
 :query [:find ?name
       :in $ ?tag
       [?t :block/name ?tag]
       [?p :page/tags ?t]
       [?p :block/name ?name]]
 :inputs ["programming"]
 :view (fn [result]
        (for [page result]
          [:a {:href (str "#/page/" page)} (clojure.string/capitalize page)])])}

Query multiple tags

{:title [:h2 "Commitments"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
       :in $ ?start ?today ?tag
       [?b :block/page ?p]
       [?p :page/journal-day ?d]
       [(>= ?d ?start)]
       [(<= ?d ?today)]
       [?b :block/ref-pages ?ref]

       (or [?ref :block/name ?tag]
           [?ref :block/name "othertag"])

 :inputs [:7d-before :today "TAG1"]}

Sorting based on a block property

    - query-table:: false
      query-properties:: [:alias :birthday]
       :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
            [?b :block/properties ?bprops]
            [(get ?bprops :birthday "nil") ?bs]
            [(not= ?bs "nil")]]
      :result-transform (fn [result]
          (sort-by (fn [h]
            (get-in h [:block/properties :verjaardag])) result))

Display today page through query dynamically based on today’s date

{:title "Scheduled items"
 :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
        :in $ ?today

            [?b :block/scheduled]
            [(get-else $ ?b :block/priority "NIL") ?prio]
            [(get-else $ ?b :block/marker "NIL") ?marker]
            [(not= ?marker "DONE")]
            [(not= ?marker "CANCELED")]
               [(not= ?marker "LATER")]

               [(get-else $ ?b :block/scheduled ?today) ?d]
            [(>= ?d ?today)]

        :inputs [:today]
        :breadcrumb-show? false
        :result-transform (fn [result]
            (sort-by (fn [h]
            (get h :block/priority "Z")
          :collapsed? false

Capture all the quotes

  • Logseq has two ways you can write quotes, you only match one, this should do the trick:
 {:title "QUOTE search"
  :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
   [?b :block/content ?c]
   (or [(clojure.string/includes? ?c "#+BEGIN_QUOTE")]
       [(clojure.string/starts-with? ?c "> ")]

Query for all the blocks which have a block property = current page, use the name of current page dynamically instead of fixing it on each page

  • the page name have to be lowercase.
{:query [
 :find (pull ?b [*])
 :in $ ?current-page
  [?p :block/name ?current-page]
  [?b :block/page ?p]
  [?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "datalog"]]
 :inputs [:current-page]}
  • you can use :block/name or :block/original-name to differentiate, but the first is always lowercase (afaik), so it’s not a good habit (on Logseq) to depend on differences in case.
{:query [:find (pull ?e [*])
:in $ ?current-page
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER" "NOW" "DOING"} ?marker)]
[?e :block/properties ?prop]
[(get ?prop :projects) ?value]
[(contains? ?value ?current-page)]
:inputs [:current-page]
:result-transform (fn [result]

  (sort-by (fn [h]
      (get h :block/priority "Z")) result))
:collapsed? false}}

find block which are highlighted with ==

  • sol. 1
 {:title "Highlight search"
  :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
   [?b :block/content ?c]
   [(clojure.string/includes? ?c "==")]
  • sol. 2
 {:title "Highlight search"
  :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
   [?b :block/content ?c]
   [(re-pattern "
") ?regex]
   [(re-find ?regex ?c)]

Show scheduled or deadline only on today’s journal

 :query [
  :find (pull ?b [*])
  :in $ ?current-page
  [?p :block/name ?current-page]
  [?p :block/journal? true]
  [?p :block/journal-day ?date]
   [?b :block/scheduled ?date]
   [?b :block/deadline ?date]
  (not [?b :block/marker])
 :inputs [:current-page]}

Query the block & page title of certain pages or tags

{:title "Query for page references & tags."
 :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
       :in $ ?page_name
       [?b :block/refs ?r]
       [?r :block/name ?page_name]]
       ["mar 28, 2022"]}

Always query for current date / today

Concatenate all the journal entries of the week in the Friday entry.

{:title "What has been done"
 :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
         :in $ ?current-page ?start ?today
         [?b :block/page ?p]
         [?p :page/journal? true]
         [?p :page/journal-day ?d]
         ;[?p :block/name ?current-page]
         ;[?p :block/journal-day ?current-page-day]
         [(>= ?d ?start)]
          [(<= ?d ?current-page)]
          [(<= ?d ?today)])
 :inputs [:current-page :7d-before :today]}

As I’m using NOW/LATER + WAITING approach, my common workflow for tasks life cycle is:

  • add something not urgent (and visually “muted”) with WAITING without date
  • add common task with LATER + plan it if needed with deadline\scheduled
  • add current\urgent task with NOW –> work on it –> finish with DONE
  • take overdued tasks
  • take some LATER task –> delete planed date if it was –> set it to NOW –> work –> finish with DONE

I was trying to mix 2 layers of tasks planning as you can see - task status cycle and “calendared” items:

  • “what is overdued?”

  • “what should I do today?”

  • “what should I do tomorrow?”

  • “what can I do next?”

  • “what is WAITING?”

    • PS: no sorting in queries, as i want to see parent pages links 😒 #.v-gallery-h400-fit

  • ✅ wanna have block answering my question “what is overdued?”
    • anything task calendared before today
    • also as this block can called “attention” - I’m searching for “wrong” tasks calendared NOW(it should no have date, as described before)
        [[:strong "🔥 Overdue"] [:span " or "] [:span.block-marker.NOW "NOW"] [:sup "(with-date)"]]
    :query [
        :find (pull ?block [*])
        :in $ ?start ?next
            [?block :block/marker ?m]
            (or-join [?block ?start ?next ?m]
                    (or [?block :block/scheduled ?d] [?block :block/deadline ?d])
                    [(> ?d ?start)]
                    [(< ?d ?next)]
                    [(contains? #{"NOW"} ?m)]
                    (or [?block :block/scheduled ?d] [?block :block/deadline ?d])
        :inputs [:365d-before :today]
        :breadcrumb-show? false
        :collapsed? false
  • ✅ wanna have block answering my question “what should i do today?”
    • not calendared status NOW = today
    • status LATER with date today
        [[:strong "⏰ Today"] [:span " or "] [:span.block-marker.NOW "NOW"]]
    :query [
        :find (pull ?block [*])
        :in $ ?day
            [?block :block/marker ?m]
            (or-join [?block ?day ?m]
                    [(contains? #{"LATER"} ?m)]
                    (or [?block :block/scheduled ?d] [?block :block/deadline ?d])
                    [(= ?d ?day)]
                    [(contains? #{"NOW"} ?m)]
                    [(missing? $ ?block :block/scheduled)]
                    [(missing? $ ?block :block/deadline)]
    :inputs [:today]
    :breadcrumb-show? false
    :collapsed? false
  • ✅ wanna have block answering my question “what should i do tomorrow?”
    • LATER with date tomorrow
        [:strong "🌞 Tomorrow"]
    :query [
        :find (pull ?block [*])
        :in $ ?day
            [?block :block/marker ?m]
            [(contains? #{"LATER"} ?m)]
            (or [?block :block/scheduled ?d] [?block :block/deadline ?d])
            [(= ?d ?day)]
    :inputs [:1d-after]
    :breadcrumb-show? false
    :collapsed? false
  • ✅ wanna have block answering my question “what can i do next?”
    • not calendared with status LATER = next
    • any status with date after tomorrow = next
        [[:strong "📅 This week"] [:span " or "] [:span.block-marker.LATER "LATER"] [:sup "(without-date)"]]
    :query [
        :find (pull ?block [*])
        :in $ ?start ?next
            (or-join [?block ?start ?next]
                    (or [?block :block/scheduled ?d] [?block :block/deadline ?d])
                    [(> ?d ?start)]
                    [(< ?d ?next)]
                    [?block :block/marker ?m]
                    [(contains? #{"LATER"} ?m)]
                    [(missing? $ ?block :block/scheduled)]
                    [(missing? $ ?block :block/deadline)]
    :inputs [:1d-after :7d-after]
    :breadcrumb-show? false
    :collapsed? false
  • ✅ wanna have block answering my question “what is WAITING?” (collapsed, to not blow my eyes)
    • not calendared with status WAITING

        [:strong "⏳ Waiting"]
    :query [
        :find (pull ?block [*])
            [?block :block/marker ?marker]
            [(contains? #{"WAITING"} ?marker)]
    :breadcrumb-show? false
    :collapsed? true

Add HTML markup to query title

page for pdf files has property :file and :file-path:

 :query [:find (pull ?p [*])
         [has-page-property ?p :file]

Find all unlinked pages/orphaned nodes

{:title "orphan pages"
 :query [:find ?name
         [?p :page/name ?name]
          [?b :block/ref-pages ?p1]
          [?b :block/page ?p2]
          (or [?p1 :page/name ?name]
              [?p2 :page/name ?name]))]
 :view (fn [result]
          (for [page result]
            [:a {:href (str "#/page/" page)} (clojure.string/capitalize page)])])}

Use query in a template.

 {:title [:b "<%current page%>"]
  :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
  :in $ ?current-page
    [?b :block/path-refs ?name]
    [?name :block/name ?current-page]
  :inputs [:current-page]
  :breadcrumb-show? false

Query for icon page property.

 {:title ""
 :query [:find (pull ?p [*])
    [?p :block/properties ?prop]
    [(get ?prop :icon) ?icon]
     ; [(= "example" ?type)]`

Get scheduled tasks within a namespace.

{:title " Scheduled dates in Golf namespace"
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
[?b :block/scheduled ?d]
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[?b :block/page ?p]
[?p :block/namespace ?ns]
[?ns :block/name ?nsn]
[(contains? #{"golf"} ?nsn)]]
:collapsed? false}
  • :block/namespace are page property and :block/name are lowercase version of :block/original-name(page-name)

Filter the page with time/timestamp.

title:: Ozark/S04/Part 1
status:: #towatch
type:: series
genre:: Crime, Drama, Thriller
tags:: Netflix
release_timestamp:: 1642723200000
release_smushed:: 20220121
  • Ozark/S04/Part 2
title:: Ozark/S04/Part 2
status:: #towatch
type:: series
genre:: Crime, Drama, Thriller
tags:: Netflix
release_timestamp:: 1651190400000
release_smushed:: 20220429
  • Query for timestamp
{:title "Unreleased Shows"
 :query [:find (pull ?p [*])
         :in $ ?today
         (page-property ?p :type "series")
         (page-property ?p :status "towatch")
         [?p :block/properties ?props]
         [(get ?props :release-timestamp) ?d]
         [(>  ?d ?today)]
 :inputs [:right-now-ms]
  • Query for yyyyMMdd
{:title "Unreleased Shows"
 :query [:find (pull ?p [*])
         :in $ ?today
         (page-property ?p :type "series")
         (page-property ?p :status "towatch")
         [?p :block/properties ?props]
         [(get ?props :release-smushed) ?d]
         [(>  ?d ?today)]
 :inputs [:today]

Using journal-date format in page property and query it.

  • Discord Link

  • Discord Link

  • just tested it with different journal-date format. replace [?p :block/name ?n] with [?p :block/original-name ?n]. date value are stored in property with original-name.

{:title ["Unreleased Shows"]
 :query [:find (pull ?p2 [*])
         :in $ ?today
         [?p2 :block/name _]
         [?p2 :block/properties ?prop]
         [(get ?prop :release) ?rel]
         [?p :block/original-name ?n]
         [(contains? ?rel ?n)]
         [?p :block/journal-day ?d]
         [(> ?d ?today)]
         [(get ?prop :type) ?type]
         [(contains? #{"series"} ?type)]
         [(get ?prop :status) ?status]
         [(= #{"towatch"} ?status)]]
 :inputs [:today]}

Have a property field that I only fill with numbers (floats). Is it possible to pull blocks where this field is within a range (say 20 < x < 50, or just x > 100).

 :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
         [?b :block/properties ?prop]
         [(get ?prop :num-prop) ?num]
         [(> ?num 100)]
  • for 20<x<50 replace [(> ?num 100)] with
         [(< ?num 50)]
         [(> ?num 20)]
  • float function doesn’t recognized, so multiply property by 1.0

 :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
         [?b :block/properties ?prop]
         [(get ?prop :num-prop) ?num]
         [(* 1.0 ?num) ?numf]
         [(< ?numf 50)]
         [(> ?numf 20)]

Query tasks which are recurring.

 :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
         [?b :block/repeated?]

Query to get second block.

 :query [:find (pull ?bl [*])
         [?b :block/pre-block?]
         [?bl :block/left ?b]