Logseq | Queries

from @Jeddychan in Logseq’s discord #.v-border-children Terms / Names - Datalog —— a query language used for databases Datascript — a flavor of Datalog written in Clojure. Logseq currently uses Datascript. Datomic —– a different flavor of Datalog written in Clojure. (Some tutorials for Datomic may be helpful, but ymmv) Hiccup ——- a language used to generate HTML, you can use it in an advanced query’s custom view ( :view )...

April 8, 2022 · 10 min · Charles Chiu

Logseq | Tips

Illustration of Logseq’s implemented task states: Discoed Link Vault survival kit Discord Link Save a current safari selection to Logseq as a quote and link Discord Link iCloud shortcut While querying a page that uses namespace, replace the slash with underscore. So if the page name is projects/2022, in advanced query it should be “projects_2022” A new shortcut using @sawhneys shortcut as reference to add dictated text as a note to logseq (today) with a tag #voicenote...

April 8, 2022 · 3 min · Charles Chiu